Friday, February 26, 2010

My crazy life

Another snow day. The kids are delighted (well, not at the moment as they are stuck in their room cleaning it), but at this rate, they'll be in school until the summer. I don't know about our district, but other districts around us have cut into the kids' spring break and they have to go to school until the end of june. Around here, they just don't figure snow days into the school calendar.

It's a little over a week into lent. I must say, I feel closer to Jesus now more than ever. I have this little black book for lent filled with meditations and that surely helps. I look at my suffering in new way, it's so hard to explain.

I've been keeping my fingers busy knitting again. I just finished a top for Allie the other day and a top for Krista this morning. I'm going to cast on for a hat for Allie in brown yarn that will match her coat. She can't wait for me to do it.

The kids have been fighting like mad this morning. Krista is playing "Swiper" and swiping Allie's things and not telling her where she puts her stuff. It's totally frustrating...but the stuff will be found. I told the girls, they'll be amazed at what they find when they clean their room.

Bob is doing good. He was amazing yesterday as he went to the foodstore to get me soup I've been "craving". Cheddar cheese soup to be exact. It was soooo good, but gave me heartburn later on last night.

I'm feeling really well. I had an ultrasound a week and a half ago and baby was lying with its hands behind its head. It was the cutest. He gave me a 3D picture and I'm just so amazed at how we could see every facial feature, everything. I'm more amazed every time. I go in 4 weeks for another u/s and hopefully we'll find out what we are having. I'm starting to feel more movement as well. It's awesome!

That's it for now...I'll post more another time.

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