We ended up in the ER at ST Peters Hospital on Labor day evening. Allie was very puffy, her belly was very distended and hard to the touch. She had a hard time getting up when she sat down and her breathing was labored. We called the doc and he wanted us there right away. Her belly was full of fluid. Up until this point she was urinating regularly, but that day, she didn't go that often. Paying careful attention to when she goes and what she does, I was concerned because she hadn't had a bowel movement in a couple days too.
They did labs, urinalysis and xrays. Her lungs were clear...no fluid (hooray), but her belly was full of fluid. So, they gave her lasix via her iv and she's been on it every since. The dr did increase her dosage as she only urinates 3 times within a 24 hr period. I'm very worried about my girl. In addition to the prednisone and lasix, she is now on a blood pressure med that is known to help protein the urine to go down. We had her appt today, and the protein levels in her blood are going up, which is good, but the levels in her urine went up also. The er labs showed her levels to be at 4 (up from 2 a week prior) and today, they were at 4.5, definitely a step in the wrong direction. We will be going for bloodwork on Monday and talking via phone on Tuesday. It looks like the next step is a kidney biopsy. The dr said that she's either steroid resistant (meaning she does not respond to this type of treatment, and those children are hard to treat) or she has what's called Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. Here is info about that:
So, that's where we are right now. I'd so appreciate any and all prayers you have to offer. Here are some pics of my girl!!
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