Spring break is now upon us. We had a wonderful Easter. The children were perfect angels in church for Easter Mass. We sat in the "big church" (I finally evicted daddy from the quiet room) and the kids were perfect. We sat in the front pew and they really did "WOW" us :)
Afterwards, we came home and they played for a while. Than we met my parents, brother, sil and the kids, my aunt and cousin for brunch. It was so yummy, and boy what a spread. Again, the children were fabulous! They ate most of what they were given and sat patiently until it was time to go. They weren't ancy and just loved being out in their "fancy" dresses.
So, here we are, Monday, our 2nd day of spring break. They were generally good today, just going nuts in the house. It was a bit chilly to take the baby to the park as she is just getting over bronchitis. Maybe tomorrow. Anyway, here are some silly pictures from today.
Krista trying to reach for a bag of bread/goodies from Uncle Mark...and than "kissing" a banana. The girls were eating a push up pop that daddy bought them. Lastly, a shot of Krista not very happy. Enjoy!
Barb! Remember me? :) This is Tara from the Christian board we used to go to (why am I drawing a blank at the name? lol) I visited bf.com and saw you post & followed the link to your blog.
Congrats on your baby girl! How is life treating you? :)
Hey Tara!!! How have you been??? I've been wondering how you've been doing :) Anyway, give me a shout via email at barb@overthemoonshoppe.com
If you go to the web address, you'll see my website :)
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