We had such a beautiful day yesterday, and it's going to be wonderful today and even warmer tomorrow! YAY! The kids are thrilled because they get to be outside without bulky coats LOL. Bob had them out yesterday, so I was able to do a good mostly thorough clean of the house yesterday. Some things I didn't get to, but the decluttering was amazing! I got rid of so much!
Krista is getting so big...she rolls and scoots all over the place now. I'm sure the kids are tired of me saying "Get that little stuff off the floor". Angelina had a skit on Friday in her class, on Dr. Seuss's "The Lorax" for Earth Day. They sang "What a Wonderful World" by Louie Armstrong, and than at the end, her teacher showed a slideshow of pictures of the children she took, and played the Hawaiin version of the song. To hear it, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztepu9bIMBE
Get your tissues out, as it's a real tear jerker LOL. She did wonderfully though. We are working with Matt on being neater with his school work. Other than being messy and rushing through, he's doing great!
Anna is doing great in school too. SHE CAN READ!!! We are so proud of her :) Allie is really excited about Kindergarten. I'm going to request the teacher Anna has, so I have to write that letter this week. Alaina is just growing! She's getting so tall, and just loves to draw. She drew a picture of a whale the other day, and it looked just like one!
Here are some pics of the kids :)