I know it's been a while since I've blogged. Life has been crazy and hectic. The kids have been sick on and off, and I've been going through a rough time this past week. The doctor is thinking I have an incisional hernia (at the site of c-section incision scar) and that some of my bowels are pushing through. In any case, I had an ultrasound done yesterday so now we just sit and wait on the results. If that is what it is, it needs to be fixed asap through surgery. If that is not the case, than I need to go to a gastroenterologist to rule out colitis/crohn's/ibs. What a whirlwind of emotions I'm feeling right now. I'm pretty scared with what's been going on with my body. When I get scared, I get quiet and try to keep very busy. It's been a rough week.
The kids are doing great. We have parent teacher conferences next week (so the kids have half days) and Easter/spring break starts next friday. The kids are excited to have over a week off of school.
Krista is 4 months old already! I just cannot believe how fast she is growing. She is now 13 and a half lbs and is 24 and 3/4 inches long. She is still nursing great :)
I've been busy sewing diapers/baby carriers/ other things and knitting away. Here are some pictures of the diapers, of the kids, of the pouch I made and dyed and of the little skirties I'm knitting for Krista (although in the pic, they are just the shorts...the skirt gets added on later...I hope to finish it today).
Angelina and Anna got haircuts last night. I gave Anna a little bob and she looks so precious! Angelina saw it and wanted her hair a little shorter, after just trimming her ends. Her hair went from past the mid back to near her shoulders and she loves it. There is nothing like a fresh new look to boost your confidence.
Well, time to get Anna ready for school...until next time.......
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