Friday, March 28, 2008

Yet more pics of the kids

Fun Outside

Here are some great pics of the kids playing outside.

Dressy Children All around me

We had a wonderful Easter, going out to brunch with my dad and Deb, my brothers, was a nice day. The children looked so beautiful in their new clothes, we even got Matthew out of the sweatpants. In the picture, we had just gotten home from church and they wanted to go to grandma's, so they weren't very happy, but you'll get to see how big they are all getting.

We also went shopping for Angelina's dress, veil, and shoes for her first Holy Communion. The first dress she tried on was the ONE. I snapped a photo in the store and she is so beautiful!!! Enjoy!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Socks Socks Socks

I have been super crazy knitting socks. I love socks!!!! Thanks to my lovely best friend Michelle, who helped me through the turning of the heel, I've knit 2 complete pairs. The first is made out of brown Vanna's Choice acrylic yarn. Normally, I'm a yarn snob LOL and I work with more natural fibers, but for an acrylic, this is an awesome yarn. The other pair I knit out of cotton that I hand dyed last summer. They match a shirt I just got last week :)

Yum Yum Yum

I've discovered the secret to great tasting chocolate chip cookies...they are so good, even Uncle Johnny eats them and even complimented me on them. My stepmom said they were like cookies you get in a bakery, the kids say they are the best cookies in the world, and my hubby, God love him, said they are the best he's ever had. Don't they look YUMMY!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I know, I know, I'm awful when it comes to blogging. I need to do it more often but life takes me away sometimes. Anyway, I tip toed into the room a few days ago to check on miss napping Krista. She was so cute when I found her in the pose of the photo.