Sunday, February 18, 2007

My first pocket diaper

Well, we are switching to cloth diapers. I just need to order a couple of more supplies before I can make the diapers, although I do have some prefolds that I got yesterday. I'm just knitting a soaker to go on top (they are like little shorts/pants that go over the diaper made of wool for absorbency). Anyway, I'm going to be making Pocket diapers (where a soaker pad is inserted and than taken out for washing) and aio's (all in one). I made my first pocket diaper last night. It's not usable, but I wanted to get the "pattern" down and really see if I can do it. It was the first time sewing with elastic, and I used the wrong stitch, but you get the idea of how the diaper is supposed to look. I'm really excited about this, helping out with the environment as well as saving money. When I get good enough, I'll be making nighttime training pants for my allie :)

Krista's Baptism

We had Krista's baptism last sunday, February 11th. It was absolutely beautiful as was she. The baptism was at 1pm at St. Peter's Church in Pt Pleasant. There were 2 little boys being baptized that day as well. It was wonderful. Here are some pictures of her getting dressed and getting baptized.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Our new baby!

We have a new baby!!! Finally a vehicle that seats all 8 of us. It's a 2000 Ford Excursion, black with a tan leather interior. I can't wait to take her for a ride!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Lined ring sling with pocket

So I was chatting with my friend, and we were coming up with ideas for products for our site. Tonight, I made a lined sling with a pocket, that was supposed to be a sewn in carrying bag. The idea is to have the sling fold into itself when not in use into a drawstring bag. What I had in mind didn't work, however, I came out with a double pocket attached to the sling tail. The first picture is of me in the sling...the main pattern is a paisley type with stripe lining. The second picture is of the drawstring pocket on the tail. The last picture is of the pocket with drawstring closed (where keys, wallet, that kind of thing is kept) and a diaper with wipes in the back portion (behind the original pocket). I think it came out pretty cool :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lined baby sling

So, I changed my baby sling pattern a little. I've been making them for over 3 years now! Wow the time flies (I can't believe it more and more each day). Anyway, I bought fabric to start on some stock for the website (I'll post the address when we go live), and I've been eyeing this one up since I got it...that's the bad thing about being in the sling business, every sling I make I want to keep LOL. Anyway, I cut the fabric in half lengthwise (it was too bulky with it being 45 inches wide) and I folded the fabric differently around the rings and came up with this design. This is also my first successful lined sling. It came out great. My dd Angelina took the picture for me since dh wasn't home from work yet LOL. It was a quick pic because I needed to start dinner. I'll be wearing the baby lower next time, with the rings closer to my arm pit for more of a fan effect on my shoulder. Cute, huh?