A very good friend of mine and I are starting a wahm (work at home mom) website business. We should be live in about 2 weeks or so, but I've been working on my stock. As well as baby ring slings, I'll be doing some knitwear. Here are two sweaters, just like Krista's. They are both wrap sweaters, but the tan one has a ribbing along the trim instead of the rolled trim. Krista is my model :)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Starting a WAHM business
A very good friend of mine and I are starting a wahm (work at home mom) website business. We should be live in about 2 weeks or so, but I've been working on my stock. As well as baby ring slings, I'll be doing some knitwear. Here are two sweaters, just like Krista's. They are both wrap sweaters, but the tan one has a ribbing along the trim instead of the rolled trim. Krista is my model :)
2 Months old already!
I can't believe the baby is 2 months old already! Time sure is flying. I took her for her well visit yesterday. She is now 11 lbs, 22 1/2 inches long and her head is 38 1/2cms. She really is doing great. She's in the 50th% :) She holds up her head really well, loves to be held and talked to. She just wants to stand all the time. She still sleeps alot, and gee, look at how fast she's growing, no wonder why!
We got report cards last week. Matt is doing excellent. There were things he needed to work on last marking period that he totally excelled in this marking period. Angelina and Anna did awesome as well. We got the "----- Is a pleasure to have in class" for each of them.
Enjoy the pics :)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Let's FLY!
I started to do Flylady again. You can check out her website at www.flylady.net It's a wonderful system for cleaning, organizing and decluttering your home. I went to town yesterday and did a basic surface cleaning/wipe down/vacuuming/dusting of my home yesterday. Now I can work on my zones and my daily routines and just be done with housework in minimal time, leaving time for the "fun" stuff in life.
And, I shined my sink...ain't it purty??
Friday, January 19, 2007
Getting so big!
Krista is just getting so big!! I had to take Allie to the ped the other day for a boo boo on her thumb, and while there, we weighed the baby. Here is the breakdown:
Birth: 6lbs 8oz
3 days: 6lbs 3oz
2 weeks: 7lbs 7oz
7 weeks: 10lbs 15.6oz
Momma's milk is doing this baby good! The older kids are doing great with her...they just love her to pieces. I have pictures on my camera that I need to get off, but here are some to show for now. Krista in her bouncy seat with Anna and Krista with a fretful look on her face LOL.
Sweater/Hat/Bootie sets
I've been really busy knitting up these little sets as gifts. I made this sweater for Krista and it came out so cute, so I made 2 sets as gifts, I have one more to go for a gift and I'm donating a set to a friend for a LLL gift auction. Aren't they cute? My dd's doll is the model, she is a newborn baby size doll LOL.
Now for the specifics. The hat is my own pattern. The booties are my version of the Diy, knitty gritty suede booties and the sweater is from Lion Brand.com, the Lion Cashmere blend luxury kimono.
1 Hour Booties
I took out the SnB Nation book from the library and found this cute little pattern for 1 hour baby booties. They are supposed to take 1hr or less for the pair...they were a real quick knit, only they use bulky weight yarn. The only bulky weight I have is Patons Allure, which is a furry yarn (so soft and yummy nonetheless). So I wanted to try the pattern. They look like little mary janes but instead of doing the strap, I just threaded a strand of yarn through the bootie and tied it in the front.
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